Saturday, May 14, 2011

GeeCON Conference Day I (Thursday 12th May)

There were much more people comparing to the University Day a couple of foto's here. But this one is real good.

So to  the presentations.

1. Danny Coward "Java SE: The Road Ahead"

Danny is a principal engineer at Oracle and he took the first keynote. An overview of the SE past and future with Oracle.

Once again  - list of the language improvements for the Java SE 7 and similar list for the Java SE 8. Hope to get slides somehow - there were "Confidential" notice there.

2. Juergen Hoeller "Enterprise Java in 2011 and Beyond: From Java EE 6 to Cloud Computing"

In his presentation Jurgen how SpringFramework will adopt standards from the Java EE 6 spec and about the future for the Spring in the clouds. Jurgen started from the statement that Spring already has everything developer could imagine even without Java EE 6 but there are still some coll stuff in spec so Spring will adopt it later on. Together with the statement that that EE 6 has 1.5 year old but there is still only one certified implementation (reference implementation  - GlassFish 3) Jurgen on my mind wanted to convince developers that all you need is Spring... Second part was again about CloudFoundry from VMWare. Once again slides had a confidential mark on them so let's wait for the conference video.

3. Josh Long "The Social Service Bus"

One more talk from Josh. This time he showed examples from the SpringIntegration project about how to tight-up your app with email/twitter/REST and other stuff. Will search for a slides and samples.

4. Juergen Hoeller "Modern Component Design with Spring 3.1"

Great presentation with real overview on the Components concept in Spring, how this works, how to adjust existing features to feet your needs, and about how this concept corresponds with the Java EE 6 spec. Once again confidential slides  - hope to see a video later on.

5. Heinz Kabutz Productive Coder

Heinzs' talk was mostly about coding process than just Java. He started with statement that you should invest some time in learning your IDE tool and blind typing (I think I've heard that already somewhere :) ). Also there were some case studies about how static code analyzers could improve the project code quality. Once again a statement that IDEA rules but not Eclipse...

6. Hamlet D'Arcy "New Ideas for Old Cod"

There were no free places on this talk and people just stand for an hour. Hamlet is a great presenter. The main topic is refactoring. Some new ideas and practical advices, very fun. Slides are here.

7. Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine "Java EE 7 - flying above the cloud, a status on ongoing work"

Alexis presented a review about Java EE 7 and 8 features. Alexis is an evangelist so according to his words everything is great in the Java EE world. Adoption of the EE 6 is going quite fast especially the Web Profile stack. EE 8 will mostly consist of the new versions of the existing standards.

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