Friday, October 14, 2011

Java One 2011 Day 3 (4th of October)

Straight to the presentations:

1. Java Strategy Keynote
Once again you are welcome to see the full video:

2. Java Enterprise Applications in the Cloud: Fast, Fun, and Easier Than Ever by Gordon Dickens (Consultant/Instructor/Mentor Chariot Solutions) and Stefan Schmidt (Software Engineer Spring Roo VMware)
I was very impressed by the presentation. Simply because it took us a lot of time to have an app deployed to GAE and now it's done ... very fast. OK this is a petclinic/pizza shop app, but is has all the infrastructure. DB reverse engineering feature is awesome.

By now found only this one:

3. Infinispan by Manik Surtani (RedHat, spec lead for JSR-347)
First time I heard about Infinispan at GeeCon this year. Emmanuel Bernard mentioned it during his Hibernate OGM presentation. Infinispan is the distributed transactional KV storage. JBoss insist that Infinispan is more DataGrid or Distributed cache than a KV NoSQL storage.
Could not find the presentation slides :(.

4. Java EE on Google App Engine: CDI to the Rescue by Ales Justin (Software Developer Red Hat inc.)
Basically the presentation was a case study on how to use CDI (JBoss Weld) with GAE and why it's needed. Have only a few notes about it. Probably it was not very useful for me.Could not find any material about this talk by now. I'll try to add some later on.

5. Strategies and Best Practices for Highly Scalable Java Persistence Applications by Doug Clarke and Gordon Yorke (both from Oracle)
Great presentation with a set of practical advices on JPA optimizations.
Could not find the slides for this particular presentation but found Gordon' slides about EclipseLink:

Main topics and quotes:
Measure performance in regression
Providers have profilers already
Inspect @Cachable
Mapping optimization - balancing between Single table and Table per class
Use @Embedded or @Embeddable instead of @OneToOne
Pay attention to collections
Use projection, pagination, named queries, query caches
Keep number of managed entities small
Threads could be bottleneck on synchronization access
Consider locking

6. JSR 343: What's Coming in Java Message Service 2.0 by Clebert Suconic (Principal Developer and HornetQ project lead Red Hat) and Reza Rahman (Senior Software Engineer/Community Outreach Activist Caucho Technology)
A great overview of the upcoming and existing JMS features.
Still looking fro slides.
Topics and quotes:
JSR 343 - JMS 2.0 early draft
JMS has many wrappers just because it's not comfortable to work with it
JMS 2.0 is about API improvement
Reducing number of classes
Attention to multi-tenancy

7. Are Your Garbage Collection Logs Speaking to You? by Kirk Pepperdine (Performance Specialist Kodewerk Ltd.)
It's always a pleasure to be at Java Champion presentation. Very informative. A reminder that GC logs is important to read and systematically analyze. Looking for slides.

8. How Do You Update Your Java EE App in Production? by Jevgeni Kabanov (CTO ZeroTurnaround)
A presentation from JRebel creator. Quite interesting analysis of existing situation on product redeploy in production. LiveRebel product PR. But there are two tools that I decided to invest my time to Chef and Puppet

General stuff:
Try out SpringRoo with Heroku, CloudBees and CloufFoundry