Thursday, May 12, 2011

GeeCON University Day (Wednesday 11th May)

When I was planning my trip to GeeCON I've decided to visit University Day along with two Conference days. So let's talk about presentations I visited.

1. Josh Long "Spring into the Next Decade"

The three hours overview of the features of Spring 3.0 and upcoming Spring 3.1.

A lots of known stuff but a lot of new also. On my opinion the presentation title does not really corresponds the presentation content. That's super cool to hear and to see (by real code examples) the Spring existing and some upcoming features BUT not so much about the future of the Framework and platform...

So future of the Spring is wait for it ... clouds of course. It will be tightly integrated with VMWare CloudFoundry which is basically a PaaS. Also Non-Relational DBMS integration is something valuable for the framework and of course Spring Social.
Among other features - interesting was to hear about declarative caching and Spring Context profiles in 3.1.


2. Patrycja Wegrzynowicz "Patterns and Anti-Patterns in Hibernate"

Presentation mostly related to the existing problems when trying correctly adopt ORM on the projects with complicated business logic and domain model.

A couple of interesting puzzles of Hibernate usage. At the end of the 3-rd hour a little introduction to the Yonita.


3. Hamlet D'Arcy "Code Generation on the JVM "

Great presentation. It was really a please to participate. Slides are here. I definitely want to try some of that stuff when came back to work. I was impressed by a Groovy toolkit. Definitely, want to find some time to try SpringRoo.

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  1. office...

    GeeCON University Day (Wednesday 11th May) | McGray;s Tower...
